
Change the World Model United Nations

Vera Gudilina, our 2nd year bachelor student , took part in the UN Youth Model in the Arab Emirates. We talked to Vera and she shared with us her impressions from the trip

SSIR : Vera, you have recently returned from the Arab Emirates. Tell us, what was the purpose of your trip?

Vera : I went to the Change the World Model United Nations (CWMUN), which is traditionally held at NYU Abu Dhabi campus on Saadiyat Island. It is the largest international youth forum in the world and currently takes place in New York, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Paris, Singapore and Rome. It is a role-playing game where students simulate the activities of UN committees and commissions. The event is usually attended by high school and college students. This year, more than 850 students from more than 50 countries met at the venue in the Arab Emirates to discuss the future, cooperation and sustainable development.

SSIR : How did you find out about this event?

Vera: I found out about this event through the MGIMO Law Club, an active member of which I am. They were recruiting a team of students to travel to the Model UN. There were about 20 of us from Russia, almost all of us MGIMO students. Each of us knew in advance the committee in which we would work and the country whose interests we should represent. In order to be selected it was necessary to apply in time and prepare a memorandum, which gives an idea of the delegate’s position on the country. It was also necessary to listen to an educational block of lectures and seminars to prepare for the trip, which, by the way, was very useful.

SSIR : What committee did you work in and what country did you represent?

Vera: I was on an IAEA committee and the main agenda was the interface between nuclear power and the environment. I was assigned to represent the position of the Republic of Maldives as part of an individual delegation. This was not an easy task as the Maldives does not have an official position on nuclear energy. Therefore, I had to study the country’s history as well as its major domestic and foreign policies so that I could predict the country’s possible position on the issue. Also, given that the official language of the model was English, it was necessary to familiarise myself with the specialised vocabulary of my committee.

SSIR : How does the game is organised ?

Vera : There are strictly regulated rules of procedure by which the UN model is conducted. Without knowing these rules, you just can’t navigate and work. After the “roll call”, delegates deliver their memorandums, where they express the state’s position on a certain problem and propose a specific solution. Then, in different formats, there may be debates and discussions on the proposals to draft a final resolution. At the end, the conference is summarized, the organizers award the best delegates and invite participants to various events for informal communication.

SSIR : How can you evaluate the experience gained from participating in the UN Youth Model?

Vera : First of all, of course, it is a unique opportunity to learn more about the work of the United Nations, to feel a part of a real world forum, studying and discussing key geopolitical issues. In addition, the skills of working with documents, analyzing a large amount of information and correctly arguing one’s position are very important. All these skills are simply necessary in future work. Students also develop public speaking skills and gain experience in consensus building through mediation and negotiation. But perhaps the biggest surprise and gift of the conference for me was meeting a huge number of purposeful, ambitious, ideological young people who are not indifferent to the future of the planet and are determined to change the world for the better.

SSIR : Would you advise students to participate in such events ?

Vera : Absolutely! Moreover, I advise everyone to participate in Model UN since they are still in school. It is an incredible experience, especially for those who are interested in the work of the UN system and are planning an international career. By the way, MGIMO hosts Russia’s largest international model named after V.I. Churkin. The next Model is scheduled for spring 2024, so I urge everyone to take part in it. My plans include going to the international model in Singapore, and if I get such an opportunity, I will go without any hesitation!