
Learn how to use e-learning tools effectively.
Course with Tests
up to 30 minutes

About the Course

Almost every company now uses e-learning to varying degrees. Webinars and video lectures, e-learning courses and online directories all give the employee the opportunity to raise their professional level and have constant access to knowledge. One important thing in this story is that your employees know how to obtain and use this knowledge.
The course will enable your employees to understand how and when to learn better, what e-learning tools they have and how to use them.

Employees will learn how to:

  • Manage their training time appropriately;
  • Understand the types of courses;
  • To be effective in delivering courses, webinars.

The course is suitable for all employees of the company who are subject to internal corporate training.

SCORM 1.2 / 2004

No time limits on use

No limit is set on the number of Participants



on request

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